Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Men, Be Strong!

I just love to read books by author Richard Fugate. For one he is a godly man who loves the Word of God. And for another, he is very candid and seems to be a 'black or white' kind of thinker.

As part of the forward of his book What the Bible Says About Being a Man he has a little quiz for both husbands and wives....if you're brave enough to take it. Ryan and I revisited it tonight, and I think we did better than we did a few years ago (by the grace of our loving Lord). Are you ready?

Signs that a man relates to his wife as being the leader of the family:

- When he looks to her to make all of the plans for the family.
- When he tells the children to "ask your mom" for all directions.
- When he depends on his wife to decide when to leave an event.
- When he can never win in a discussion with his wife.
- When he is too intimidated to direct his wife and family.
- When he would be too afraid to show his wife a list like this.
- (this one is my own addition) When he defaults to his wife to discipline the children.

Signs that a wife behaves as if she were in charge of the family:

- When she thinks her financial contribution makes her a full partner in marriage (in other words, she is the only one capable of making financial decisions)
- When she always commands him what to do.
- When she corrects him whenever he is not perfectly accurate in public.
- When she scolds him like a son in front of the children.
- When she takes over tasks he has started because she thinks he is too slow or that she has a better way.
- When he dreads coming home late, even with a valid reason, because of the third degree he will have to face (or the cold shoulder)
- When she hinders him from using proper discipline on their delinquent children.
(words in italic are mine)

So, how did you do? The two that I have tried desperately to eliminate completely from my behavioral habits are correcting him in front of the children and giving him a hard time about arriving late in the evening. The first stems from thinking I know what's best for 'my children'. And the latter pours out of me when I need some back-up at the home front. Fortunately, I received a 'much improved' from Ryan. But oh that I would grow to have a "gentle and quiet spirit" and live beautifully before my Savior.

I once heard a grown man give an account of his parents' relationship with one another. I'll never forget one thing he said and it was this - "I never once heard my mom speak a word of disrespect to my father." That is truly something -  and that, ladies, speaks love to our husbands.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Writing and Reading

"By all means let children be taught to read.....else you deprive them of a singular help to their instruction and salvation." Richard Baxter, 1600's.

"It is up to you as the teacher to create the atmosphere and the desire to learn. Our payer is that one of the first books the child studies will be the Bible." Wanda Sanseri, Teaching Reading at Home

I could not agree more! I love writing and reading, and I long to create that love in my children. At the very least they must be able to communicate, both through speaking and writing, in an intelligent, godly manner. How many wonderful books and speeches would have been lost had it not been for the diligent education of those by whom they were penned.

So, having said that, I have chosen to use a certain curriculum with my children that I believe to be the best. Yes, that is my personal opinion and you do not have to agree. However, I have two great readers (and spellers for that matter) to show for it. And it seemed to flow from them naturally, as if it had been in their brains all along. It requires just a few minutes a day, and soon the student will pick up a book and begin reading. But I must confess here that I have not been very consistent over the last few months with the arrival a new baby, and yet my kindergartener is reading wonderfully.

So what do I use? The Writing Road to Reading by Romalda Spalding along with Teaching Reading at Home by Wanda Sanseri. I really think that both books are required along with the Spalding flashcards. I paid less than $50 for everything and will use it for all five children through 6th grade - although, I think they will have mastered all the material long before then and will be ready to move on.

I have also begun a grammar program with my 1st grader this year. It's called  Shurley English by Brenda Shurley and is very easy to teach. He is also learning to report on books that I choose for him.

Challenge your children, and watch their minds bloom right before your eyes. Allow laziness, and they will wither. Happy schooling to you all.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

To TV or not to TV?

This has been a question that keeps coming back to me. I am very convicted about the television, but have been complacent as of late about when and how much. And the content.... well, we all know that most channels are filled with trash and nonsense.

However, I had a breakthrough last week while washing dishes. The Lord gave me clarity on the issue of television, and I believe it is relevant for all Christians. So here is what the Lord so graciously whispered to my heart....

     Instead of teaching your children to sit at the feet of the Savior, you place them in the lap of the immoral to  
     drink in all of their debauchery.

I certainly do not want to wet the appetite of my children for the very things that God Himself hates. I do not want to invite the world into my home and into the hearts of my children. We are called to think on things that are pure and lovely and good and to meditate day and night on the law of God.

May our home be one of purity and soundness of mind.