Monday, December 12, 2011


My oh my, it has been a long time since I have taken the time to write. How the days seem to escape me. But lately the Lord has been laying a few things on my mind to discuss. These things involve having a Biblical worldview. That simply means examining everything against the holy Word of God to see what He has to say about it. Think of God's word as a lens that can be looked through, and looking through this lens will tell us if the object we are studying is for or against God.

I was taken aback this morning by something that to me was blatantly against God. My youngest child was sick, so we ventured off to the doctor's office. Thankfully it was nothing more than an ear infection, but as we sat in the waiting room the children were drawn into the television. Most of what is aired today is of no benefit, and this show was no exception. I watched as kids came into the door and celebrated the fact that they could watch Phineas and Ferb while waiting to be seen. As we sat there I closely examined the show. Besides the characters being obnoxious, they are disrespectful to adults. A child's bedroom door in one scene had signs posted that read, "Vanessa's room. Keep out. That means you dad!"

Some may say, "Oh, that is normal. How many young people actually want to be with their parents?" But this where we must divide what is culturally "normal" and what is godly and good. Proverbs 2 says, "My son, if you will receive my words, and treasure my commandments within you, make your ear attentive to wisdom. Incline your heart to understanding." Over and over, throughout the book of Proverbs the writer pulls his son close to him and says, "My son, listen to me." Proverbs, 4 begins with, "Hear, o sons, the instruction of a father."

God's Word commands children to honor their fathers and mothers. And yet we live in a culture that beckons our children to ignore, disobey, and hate parents. We must, as followers of the Most High God, teach our children to observe everything around them and measure it against the Word of God. Paul instructed us in Philippians 4:8 to think on things that are true, honorable, lovely, excellent and of good repute. We cannot expect to be faithful to this command if our minds are submersed in things that oppose Him.